The journey so far . . . hold on
It's a wednesday afternoon and on account that I dont have tinternet I'm sitting at my mum and dads. Things have changed quite a lot in the past year. I'm a 24 year old with Cystic fibrosis and what was once an illness I believed I had full control over has kinda given me a shift kick in the ass recently. As far as I was concerned Cf and I had a pact, if he was acting up I would have a good three to five days to decide if he was becoming enough trouble that I'd need to pay good ol garty a visit. However last October I caught a cold which quickly turned into a virus which basically floored me in two days. Every movement was a bloody workout, I felt like I'd been winded constanly and every bit of energy that was entering my body was quickly draining right out my toes.So I was admitted for 3 weeks and because it was a virus9which we know now) for the first two weeks nothing seemed to work, so in my head I had to adjust to the fact that maybe this was me. Maybe Cf had d...