Week 1

The past week has been great, I'm starting to get letters in for all my scans and ultrasounds and cardio things so that most of my tests are done pre first consultation with the docs I think. last week SH was away climbing on some very remote island in north Scotland.
I tought my week would be pretty tough without him but it was fine, mum helped me a lot by taking me out and me and the girls went to see one of fellow gents in a play which was accompanied with a gorgeous dinner, so gorgeous I managed to eat all of mine and most of everyone sitting close to me's food.

It has been pretty muggy in scotland lately and on the monday I kinda freaked out a little, I'm trying so hard not to be superstitious cos if it's gonna happen no amount of superstition will prevent the inevitable. But it so happens that every time SH has a holiday I seem to get critically crap health wise. So on Monday I was really struggling to sleep, trying to catch my breath, using my newly added fan- directing it into my face so I feel like its forcing me to breath. However, I sat up and was sure I was going to have another collapse, I started having a wee panic attack and had to actually talk to myself outloud. You know the "Shut up kirsty" " your being an ass" "there is nothing happening". I calmed myself down and yup nothing did happen.
The good thing is that on days when I really struggle I can contact nubby(my friend with Cf) and ask her is she too is struggling to breathe. If she says yes we know we can blame the weather-yay! Not just that we have crap lungs.

I was all set for SH returning on Sunday when I got a text on Friday night whilst sitting at home with sahara(my house mate) to say he was heading home on account of the rain. I didn't realise how much I'd missed him until I got so excited that he was coming home. I's a shame the rain couldn't stay away for the week but it's scotland I guess. I wasn't too sad cause it meant I had a date for saturday. We went for dinner and I got to listen to his climbing stories and poor baby birds stories-Lawrie the bird saver, who went on to leave the little thing.

And then the highlight of my week, mum and I went to see Dolly Parton, not before going to TGI's and me having to giant ultimate cocktails-courtesy of mummy dearest.
Dolly was fabulous, she is amazing and very tiny! I had an absolute ball and also another few smirnys to make my night awesome.
See pic of mum and I enjoying the show.
This week I've been to the cinema to see 'the happening', do not watse your time or your eyes watching this movie. We watched teeth online- ha ha ha haaaaaaaa again dont waste vital breathing time on either.
On Tuesday I went over to Nubbies and spent the day with her, watching tv, playing guitar hero and eating yummy scrummy mac cheese. I only wished she lived nearer cos her mums cooking rocks! :)

SO thats me so far, we're on Thursday now, Nubby is off to London to see Wicked, and I am hopefully going to BLackpool with SH on saturday. Gotta get some rollercoaster action in- SH has never been on a roller coaster so I figure start him off easy with summit like the PEPSI BIG ONE!

K xxxx


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