Day 11 post tx and on . . . .

Day 11: Sunday

The farts never led to anything, instead they led to another two enemas and I’m still in need of a poo. Docs will be round tomoz but being on a liquid diet means I’m not getting too bloated. I need to stop obsessing but its mighty hard not to. I’m self medicating now and going over my teaching notes so it’s only a matter of time before I would be able to go to the flats if I do a poo. But they’ll do summit if I don’t I’m sure they will. Lots of stinking poo in me that going to reek when it finally gets loose. Blooming cf poo’s!

On another note Julie is back, minus dad. She’s brilliant. She leaves next Friday so it’ll be nice to have her around with me for the next five days. Dougie was here today and we watched the wire whilst I sat again head down with an enema in. Then we went for a walk and also did some exercise on the bike, it was sad to say goodbye and I cried a good bit saying bye to him but I know that this op has given us hopeful years together.

He got a flat tire on his way back and the weather was supposedly miserable. He had to change it on the motorway.

Not too much else happened today, I am hoping the physio may take me to the gym tomoz if I ask nicely or even in the next couple of days. I have so much time on my hands so I obsess. It strange being in the hospital and feeling so fantastic.

Well let’s hope it stays this way. I’m one very lucky girl I realise that, even when I do moan about needing to poo. X

Day 13: Tuesday

I didn’t type yesterday as I haven’t been in a good place, negative thoughts overtaking my mind and not helping at all, turns out I started my period tonight so every single negative thought I’ve been having has been getting made 100 times bigger. So today Julie and I went for a walk outside around the park, I have been totally disconnected and thinking I have been going mad, so I thought a walk about would be great and it did help a lot then the negative thoughts crept back in and again I pissed off Julie, she is the best to have here for this. I give her all my negative thoughts and she tells me its piss. Total piss. I can’t do this journey with a negative mind, I have to be positive, the way I have always been.

Poo will come the doctors are sure, it’ll just take time for my bowel to kick in properly again but right now I’m passing runny poo’.

Nice bit of details for you there. Later on after my soup dinner, we went for another walk and we went to see where Julie has been staying for the past two weeks. I climbed up the two flights about 30 steps without losing any breath at all.

So hopefully I’ll get some sleep tonight.


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