Day 8 Post tx

Day 8 Thursday:

Still haven’t poo’d and now they have placed me back on iv anti rejection as I am not absorbing as much as they would like. Can’t be missing out on them. The doctors don’t seem too bothered but it’s really starting to get to me, yesterday I was poo obsesses but today I decided not to be and hope it worked. Not really at all. But Julie and I had a good day laughing and joking and it’s been a real opportunity to really get to know her again. She’s been absolutely amazing which I am sure I have said more than once but still it’s very true.

We went for a walk about the ward as the physio said she would be back before afternoon. She wasn’t so we did a 6 ½ minute bike ride and then Julie went back to the flat for a bit. The doctors came to see me and said that a surgeon would be over to feel my tummy and see what the next plan of action would be, it’s very annoying having never had tummy problems before to now be almost set back with them. Good thing is that there isn’t a total blockage but instead seems to be a bit compacted. No matter how much I push that shit it’s not coming.

Anyway in the evening Julie was making me a heat pad to put on my tummy and said I should go on the bike again for three minutes. I complained a bit then got on, but after three minutes I wanted to see if I could do five then ten then fifteen then I just got into a rhythm listening to Julies shuffle and cycling for 45 minutes, the cranberries Linger came on and I began to cry. I can’t believe my new lungs are letting me do this. It’s amazing.

Helen the nurse popped in later and gave me a cuddle, she had seen me crying whilst I had been cycling and asked if they were tears of happiness.

I phoned dougies mum at night to say hello and a couple of other folk to fill them in. I just wish my tummy would kick start again!

Day 9 Friday:

My own special nurse came to see me again at the crack of dawn and we had to wash with my iv line in. No worries for Jules who likes to freak me out by spraying the water into my war wounds. I got onto the exercise machine again today and did 20 minutes which was awesome I had thought I’d do 6 but it gets ok after a while and my legs are the only thing that causes me grief. It’s so totally unimaginable the difference in me. And sometimes I just find myself catching a breath for one minute to realise how magical all this really is even with my shitty tummy.

Ben the doctor who had first seen me on tx night and said I would sail through met me again today and came in to say that this sluggish tummy isn’t anything to worry about and that we will get it kick started.

I had decided today not to moan about my tummy, it was a good tactic Julie as usual made me laugh lots and around 1pm dad came along too. They were heading back to Glasgow today as Dougie was coming to see me and gave them just one night at home with mum and Caitlin. I know they wouldn’t have left if Dougie hadn’t been coming so I had planned to say Dougie was arriving regardless of whether he came along on Friday or Saturday. I said my goodbyes to Julie and dad and felt a bit like it was the end of our first chapter. A wonderful chapter it has been.

Jenny one of the nurses was talking to me about the tx and we spoke about how thankful and grateful me and my family are to the family who gave permission for this to happen I said I would definitely want to get in touch with them and let them know how much it has changed my world.

Later I got a sambucca style enema which funnily enough even though I held it in for two hours didn’t make much difference.

Dougie arrived about 8pm, I went to meet him at the lifts but stood back beside the sterile room as the place had a couple of people walking about and I know Julie would give me into big trouble if she thought I was standing near folk. When Dougie got out the lift I cried, it was so nice to see him after my day. I had been missing Julie’s presence quite a bit. I couldn’t kiss him as he said he thought best not to in case bugs. I know he’s just freaking out. Anyway it was a bit weird at first mainly cos I was gutted the gastro griffin sambucca things hadn’t worked But he asked to see my scars and I warned him about my steroid acne which is situated all over my chest, he was pretty amazed by the scars as I had been when I first seen them, it’s basically just a clam shell scar. He left just before ten and I sent him some lovely wee texts. I always find it hard to see him when I’m in hospital cos it’s so different for me but doesn’t seem to be for him

I had a really rubbish night utterly bloated and feeling terrible. The nurse was lovely and kept asking if I wanted anything but other than a giant pin then nope.


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