Day 6 post transplant

Day 6 Tuesday

I only waited twenty minutes this morning before asking for my pain relief, having almost learnt my lesson yesterday. Big sis Jules came up to see me at 10am as usual. She’s such a rock right now and making this journey so much easier. Well the nurse said as I wasn’t bandaged anymore I would be able to have a shower. Julie thinks my scar looks like I've had a boob job, people will think it’s the worst waste of money ever or that I started as a -AAA lol!! I was a bit worried about getting it wet but its healing really well and I was very surprised how thin the scar is.

Exercise bike!! The physio said we could try for five minutes and in the last minute we picked up pace. So I was to start slow. But I got a bit carried away and went a bit faster than I should have, after a min and a half Jules was laughing cos my legs were sore but obviously I haven’t done anything exercise in some time. The physio said lets aim for four minutes but no no no I did the five and even picked up pace at the end.

The physio said another cf’r had just left last week and by the end of her time she was doing 15mins on the bike. My first thought was I’ll do 20 then.

It’s weird I feel like I’m forgetting how hard it Was to breathe, how strange it is not to cough or struggle or guinea pig head butt. Everyone keeps saying how well I am doing and not to expect it to always be like this which I am really trying to think, I think the key is to just take it daily. The doc said I will get a lung function test this week and not to expect too much but they will continue to keep getting better. My lf was about 0.78 lowest it had been was 0.64 so it will be interesting to see how I do.

Dougie has been great keeping everyone informed and I’ve made a few phone calls myself to folk just to say hi, I don’t want to phone too much cos I do feel like summit may hiccup and I think just thinking daily is better. When I speak to others it makes me think of all the wonderful things I may be able to do.


Wear heels/ Dance again/ go for walks with missy/ go climbing/ get a bike/ go out without worrying about having sufficient oxygen/ go out for a night and not worry about staying over somewhere as I won’t need my niv/ go travelling/ run about with the girls and jman/ go on my trampoline/ think about a real future. Marriage, home, babies, just so many many things.

So Julie dad and I went for another walk and then I went downstairs for an x-ray. Only blip right now is that I haven’t had a proper jobby yet, I’ve been taking lots of stuff but nothing is properly shifting yet. One drink in particular tasted just like sambucca –yuck!! Julie and I were laughing our heads off as she had a horror story concerning the use of this stuff and a little old lady. Dad like the smell of the liquorice stuff so we figured we could just fed it to him. I gulped it down almost being sick a good fair times all 400mls of yuck then again later but not much happened. SO today we have tried a new one.

It’s called cleanup but it hasn’t had any effect yet but I’m hopeful and I’m also not suffering from acid reflux today which I was badly yesterday.

I called my college and spoke to Donna who was so happy and surprised to be talking to me. She said the principal and everyone had been saying prayers for me and on Wednesday the day of the op they were all sitting thinking and hoping I’d be strong and fight through. She said that she knew I was exceptional anyway. And on work front she is going to make sure that I’m in the know and doesn’t see me not being able to do this year which is fabulous. I’m sitting here overwhelmed with wonder and hope and I know I shouldn’t think like this but it’s just so amazing the possibilities.

The doctor was just in and said that my absorption levels may be low because of bunged up as my levels are a little low. Hopefully it will sort itself out after a good jobby but if not they will just start me on ivs again.

Julie had gone back to the flat whilst I went for an x-ray so she is soon to return. Honestly I don’t know what I would have done without her. She is amazing truly amazing person and I know everyone else is amazing but I have such eternal thankfulness that I have her with me. She is missing mark and Caitlin terribly.

Anyways hopefully tonight will be one full of shit lol!!


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