Day 14 post op

Day 14: Wednesday early morning

Face book message I was going to send back to mark but thought better not to.

I think it’s more serious than that honey though the docs are saying else wise; I've had about 10 enemas with no effect, lots and lots of laxatives and that stuff. I think I’m being paranoid but there are little to no sounds from my stomach or bowel, the stomach ended up full and not clearing sufficiently so I have poo within my whole region there, they are going to keep trying enemas etc and say that my bowel just needs to wake up and once it does the stomach should follow suit but I have a feeling neither is going to happen. I'm sorry for sending this to you, Julie is with me and staying at the flats and she would kill me if I was having these thoughts. I know I’m para just after an op but it just seems like there isn't much else that can be done, except a pill which will cause the peristalsis but then I don’t think it will kick start it. The lungs are amazing though, I can walk up stairs without having to worry about breathlessness. I bloody hope my paranoid mind will be utterly wrong about my feelings earlier but hey.

Love you loads honey

Kirsty xxxx


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