I took a sleeping aid on Wednesday night in the hope that I would get a kip however I fell asleep at 11.30pm and awoke at 1am. I thought the nurse had given me the minimum dose so I asked for more but she said it was probably not a good idea as I would be a zombie in the morning. After I had a little cry she went to check how much I had been given and sure enough I had been given the full dosage.

Julie had warned me that the sleeping pill would only be an aid and would not work if I worried all the time. The nurse asked me if I had an iPod and why not try listening to that. I gave it a try and lay listening to mogwai MR Beast very softly and I dozed off. I probably woke about 4/5 times again and went to the loo but every time I replayed the album I drifted off again after a while,

I woke at 7.30am and felt much better for it.

Mum came to visit me today, it was lovely seeing her and I am sure she noticed a huge difference. I’ve kind of gotten used to not coughing and feeling good without oxygen so I think it was great that she seen me so well if not a little sleepy due to my good sleep the night before. We took a walk to the patisserie where everyone knows Julie and had some lunch, dad then met us after work and we headed to Jessop where mum bought me a gorgeous cardigan. Spoilt rotten.

A lot of the nursing staff had presumed that it was just dad Julie and I, I have had to explain a few times that I chose dad and Julie as my first visitors for week one because if things hadn’t went as good as they had my mum wouldn’t have coped as well as they two would and I think that was the best decision I could have ever made. I’m lucky that it did go so well but if it hadn’t I think mum seeing me in a mess would have been too much for her.

Mum, dad and I did some teaching with Helen about my drugs, rejection, things to eat etc and then dad and Julie went to asda to get me food as they are talking about shipping me to the flats on Friday. I will therefore need some food for the flat as the hospital won’t feed you there. I’m not quiet letting myself believe I’ll get to the flats tomoz but it would be fantastic if I did. Julie has moved into the other flat from the temporary flat so Dad and she also took some of my unneeded stuff away

Mum sat with me whilst the doctor tried to get some blood gases, third time was the charm but I sat with my back soaking with sweat trying my hardest to relax. It didn’t help that the doc said that blood gases were one of the sorest things he had to do.

Mum and dad ended up having to leave earlier than planned because Tracey had fallen in asda and needed stitches. Dougie very kindly obliged to go out and look after the kids whilst Tracey went to A&E.

Thursday night was another alright sleep. Listening to mogwai again I didn’t wake till nearer 8am.


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