Day 18 post op

Saturday Day 18:

I woke at 8am and did my drugs and colomycin before heading back to bed and I slept in till 10.30am. I was so happy to be still in bed at such a late time, it’s the best sleep I’ve had ion ages. We watched another wire and stayed in bed for most of the day. Then Doug’s jumped over to lie beside me and knocked my knee where it dislocated. I lay for about 3 minutes trying to put it back in whilst trying to not pass out. It eventually went back in but Doug wanted to call the hospital.

Mum is coming to join me this week as I can’t stay in the flat myself. We have a clinic appointment on Tuesday morning, so mum arrived about 2pm today and we had some lunch. At 3.30pm Doug’s and I went for a walk and braved the Newcastle winds and rain. As we walked Dougie said he hadn’t ever walked as fast for as long with me before We took a walk around the park and pond and back to the flat but it was a 50minute walk and my legs were killing me.

My mum has brought stuff for me to exercise with which should be grand, we spent the rest of the day watching TV and then had curry and pizza for dinner. I have eaten so much today, so so much. Doug’s left at 8pm, it was sad to see him go but know I will see him again soon. Xxx


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