When life gives you lemons

I'm not someone who dwels in self pity, I always am very aware that I am very fortunate for my position , where many have nit been so fortunate

But lately life has been dealing me a shit loads of lemons, like huge sour fuckers one after the other , and I'm feeling pathetic as fuck with it.

I was admitted to hospital on Saturday because my kidney function was off and my creatine levels were a bit high at 250. I was phoned on Friday but I had a wedding in inverurie on Saturday and they said it could wait.

I was put on iv fluids, to help hydrate them. Turns out it didn't help too much so I was discharged on the wednesday.

UNFORTUNATELY BY the Thursday evening my stomach was so bloated that I was unable to breathe right and we made the call with help from my sister to go to the hospital.

My amazing team on 7d knew that it just wasn't like me to be in this amount of pain and after xray, ct and a dose of morphine we got a huge ng tube down and the air rushed up.

I figured I'd be out the following day but my doctor had other ideas. It was clear my stomach was not working like it should and so he wanted to keep me in, my vitamin levels were at zilch my body was suffering and Newcastle agreed to stop the anti rejection drug that we suspect has been playing havoc with my tummy.

I gave up writing this so I'm stopping here . . . . lol


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