Londons calling

So it's Thursday, I'm sitting with my feed in and considering doing some college work- funnily enough I have been distracted and decided to write in my blog as its been a while and my last blog never even got completed. Anyways, at the weekend Dougs and I went down to London to visit his mates ALi and Reiki. They live in Finchley and in a lovely little house too. I was very impressed. Dougie drove most of the way down as I had, had a very busy Thursday/Friday.

The girls had their dance show on THursday/Friday and I went to watch it on the thursday, they were brilliant but I also had to spend 2 hours watching children who I had no clue who they were. But worth it really to see my two stunning girls on the stage.
On friday I was doing bellcom massages and then I collected the girls, did their hair and makeup and Dougie and I drove them out to Motherwell Civic centre. Then I took them inside and got them ready.

In London we went to Camden on the Saturday, Rieks and I spent a long while looking about the market but to no avail, we had a drink and then I went looking again. I bought a star ring and I think the woman seen me coming but I was happy to actually have somthing that would remind me of the trip.
Gordon, Ken and Grant also came along so we spent the rest of the night in Camden. I drove back around 11pm and Dougs, reiks, ALi and I sat up and aLi and dougs played the nintendo wii.
On sunday it was GORGEOUS so we had a BBQ, Gordon joined us and Bruce and Nicola also came over.
Later we watched Taledega nights, it was actually funny even though I remember it being a bit crappy.
Blah blah I think I'm stalling here.
No news from Newcastle yet, but next week is the start of CF week so I'm currently putting together all the prep for the pub crawl and as usual I have my very loyal and supportive gang for help.
I have absolutely loads of work to do for college but I just dont seem to be freaking out yet. Pretty crazy.

Kirsty xxx


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