Liver be good

I'm struggling today , I'm super tired and the whole liver transplant is a bit overwhelming. They are collating all my information together to send to the liver team in Newcastle and I'm worried that I will be too complex a case for them to consider me.

As my doctor put it they are very used to people who have
ruined their liver with drink or overdose and thus there is a lot of psychological issues that woukd need to be addressed whereas I have already went through the issue of lungs.

I'm told that if I were to be fortunate enough to be listed that the wait would be very different, that they only match blood type as opposed to blood, tissue  size etc that happened wuth lungs.

I can't help but feel I've been so incredibly fortunate so far that this isn't going to be the road I travel down. I hope I am wrong , I hope they look at my case but also hear from my doctors that I am tenacious, that I have a lot of life left in me and that I will look after any gift that is given to me.

Chances are we won't know for a week or two.


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