Peeking at those lungs and birthdays

Yesterday I was sent for a CT scan, almost 8 years since my lung transplant and they have continued to be the most magical gift I could have ever asked for.

Unfortunately there has been changes in my xrays since the flooding incident which means we need to get a CT to have a better picture of what the hell these changes are. It could be infection, rejection, scarring but we will see.

Lung function on Monday hopefully and we will get a guide line.

Yesterday I had a great day, back to my role as celebrant to conduct a wedding for a gorgeous laid back back couple at glenskirlie(wedding venue here in scotland).

Now unfortunately I was on a 24 hour copper check which means I had to store all my urine in a giant tub  , don't worry I never needed to pee at the wedding.

I then went home ate some and sat with my dogs before heading back to the hospital.

6pm Ivs were done before I headed to mum and dad's as it was my dad's 61st birthday.

Indian food all round and then a nap for me.

We've always been a close family , but things like this bring us even closer and that's just wonderful because I have no idea where I woukd be without them.

Back to ward for 11 where two of my favourite nurses were on. I had a bit of a cry filling my nurse in on what the hell happened on Monday. It's him or really digested yet but that's good.


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