My doctor walked into my room on Monday and said

"we'll be looking to have you discharged by the end of the week or the beginning of next week kirsty"

And I burst into tears.

It's not that I don't want to go home, I want that more than anything else, I'm sick of the travelling, I'm sick of not sleeping in my own bed but I've also had to get myself used to being here for ten whole weeks and for them to now try and discharged me just doesn't feel right.

it is true that most of my treatments that need nurses etc have now ceased but my bloods are checked every monring, it's been such a journey I don't know what the next steps are.

So thankfully after a Monday of anxiety Dougie joined me on Tuesday morning and we spoke with the psychologist about how awesome we are and our coping mechanisms with everything that's happened and then my doctor arrived and joined us for a chat. A chat which completely changed my view of him , he explained that in the next week we will closely monitor my bloods.

My liver function hasn't decreased terribly but I am now at a place that it is very likely my liver won't recover , however it has stabilised, but the next step is to introduce me to the liver transplant people in Newcastle so that if my liver function does vastly decrease then hopefully a transplant would be on the cards.

But first we need to collate as much information on my body as we can to send to them, I hope they add in that I'm tenacious and determined and would really give my all in recovery after another transplant.

He also explained that we will have a care plan for home, regular bloods and consultations and just like that my anxiety and fears were lifted. Going home is something I have longed to hear but it has to be at the right time with a plan in action.

I have to feel I know what is happening and that I have some control over an issue I have felt I have lost a bit of control of recently - my body.

Going home would speed up my weight gain , would assist with building muscle which is non existent at the moment and woukd mean uninterrupted days on the sofa with my doggies.

My doctor also pointed out that only a few weeks ago we would not be chatting about the possibility of transplant , my body and health has come on so well since then allowing them to think about this.

It's scary thinking they could say no I'm not a possible candidate but again I can't change anything , I can't sit and worry about my future I have to just live now.

So the end is in sight after all, I need to start taking home my stuff in preparation, and because there is so much of it.

Last night dougie and I were meant to be going to LCD soundsystem at the barrowlands, we had had a great day of katsu curry and tv and then he remembered the stairs.

I struggle with a few steps never mind three floors so we passed in last night, Fiona visited me with her card for the day which was a wonderful jumping unicirn and instead dougie came up to the hospital and I had a go again on my scooter. and it was fun.


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