
I've had such a wonderful day .
 Back to conducting weddings with the help of my husband who as always has been my rock.

This morning my doctor was rather positive so much so he overwhelmed me. I'm on the road to recovery , it's going to take some time. my fluid increase means I have at least 16kgs of extra fluid sitting on me.

My throat and mouth because of my rubbish immune system is covered in Candida which is sore and ulcerated but I'm here.

I had a phlebotomist in today talking  away to me and she just stopped and said "but you're so happy"

eh hen course I am, I've used about 4 lives already but hey I'm so grateful for everyone coming together to help me.

it's going to be long, I can not wait until my legs aren't blistered or my ads is so big I have a bigger kadunk kadunk than Nikki Minaj but I'm here and I'm so very grateful.
don't get me wrong it's shit at times too but what's the use in being down.
we also bought a microwave and dougie fixed my flamingo lights.

he is a gem

#cysticfibrosis #transplantjourney #tpn #hospitallife


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