Today has been an epic day, my brother in law Gordon collected me to take me to my wedding I was conductinh at the cruin which is on the shores of loch Lomond.

I'm so huge now finding clothes to wear is problematic but it's a good thing I have a wardrobe that basically ranges from a size 6 to a 20 now.

I got ready, gordon wheeled me down in my blue wheelchair carriage and we headed the 30 minute drive to the bonnie banks.

I had really been looking forward to today's wedding.

For one it was the last one of the weekend which meant I would have three days off to relax in the hospital, but much more importantly than that,  this couple when I met them completely inspired me, 13 years together this very day he seen her and knew he would marry her and since they have grown their family to five kids.

I adored them because their lives were their families. They are both hard grafters,  he a head chef , she a full time mummy who also studied social care full time .

Two people who have supported each other through everything , their love shined from them both and I knew this wedding was going to be amazing.

We could have been stood absolutely anywhere and they would have had the best day ever.
They ran a little behind and unfortunately the ceremony had to be indoors for the light rain but they will get some of the most amazing pictures later

There were tears and laughter and I walked away on cloud 9 knowing I had given my all.
I arrived back and again wheeled by my buddy to my room and my girl fi arrived with her card, goodies and lots of chat and laughter.

I love her to pieces, I've missed just chatting  the pair of us. And then mum and dad came to visit me.

Today has been splendid. my legs are huge  I lost a big bit of skin and I'm a walking water villain but once again you have to move up and onwards and every day I think I'm stepping in the right direction.

#cysticfibrosis  #transplantjourney #familylove #wedding


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