19th may 2017

I hope his cookie conveys everything I want to say


Thank you to each of you for making my time in here (which lately has been a lot) bearable.

Thank you for being not only wonderful care Huber's but friends too

Thank you for bringing a smile to my face even on my toughest days and a laugh too.

Thank you for reassuring me and giving me the gift of insight that when the time comes and I am very ill again, I know I will be surrounded by the most dedicated and caring group of people.

I think often it's easy to forget what an impact you make on someone's life, even in a brief moment and so many of you have impacted my life in the most thoughtful and fantastic way.

You are all so much more than staff and I feel extremely fortunate to have such an amazing team of kind, caring , and funny friends take care of me.

Love Kirsty Harvey


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