So a bit of a harsh reality picture here.

16 kgs of #fluidretention can really fuck with your body. Sorry it's morning and you've probably spewed up now but actually it could be dinner or lunch it's all pretty gross.

I've got a wonderful ability to rose tint things and im.not sure how many layers I'm using on this but it seems to be working ok eh,  I also wanted to take pictures and then share because although this isn't normal I also want others who may be experiving this to be able to see how far your body can come.

Today I'm out to do makeup for a beautiful bride then I'll head straight back here, back on tpn as I have a few visitors tonight.
waiting for my #tpn machine to finish and I'll be free again!

ok so gross picture done for now
#cysticfibrosis #transplant #fluidretention


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