July 2017

This concoction right here is oramorph a liquid morphine .
I haven't eaten on weeks, yet I'm so full of fluid and inflamed stomach that I have no space to eat or want to.
unfortunately everything do eat including my my feed is by lack of a better word running straight through me.
I'm tired and sore and my stomach is often so inflamed and angry that this little potion gets me through the day.
As it turns out it seems I haven't been digesting anythingproperly including my steroids so I'm currently on iv steroids.

I'm almost two weeks in the hospital with this visit and whereas ordinarily I come and go as I please I'm truly not in a great way (not in a deathly way just yet) but it's a struggle to stand and walk.
I can't take too much oramorph as it will cause my bowels to stop moving which I already have issues with so it's more of an - can i handle this pain or is it too much and I can try and counteract the effects?

#transplantjourney #doublelungtransplant #cysticfibrosis #oramorph


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