15th may 2017 from facebook

Hey guys I've started this page as most of you know I've been in and out he hospital recently. No I don't update often on my personal page as I don't want my couples to  worry.

So I've added you because I'm thinking maybe you'll want an update and im a lazy bitch who doesn't want to write to everyone and fill them in.

For one- I'm not dying, my lungs are great, my liver is acting up as well as my kidneys a little

For seconds - they are trying to find the source, which could very well be my anti rejections.

Ok so I'll keep you updated when I know stuff. There isn't a magic cure , nor will there be a wonderful answer.

Please don't think me rude if I don't write back every time someone asks how  I am.

Sometimes I don't even know how I am, not in a pity party way just in a , I am how I am and I need to deal with it.

There is always someone worse off so don't be forgetting that.

Ps thank you to those who give blood. I needed another blood transfusion meaning   I needed two pints as my haemoglobin was dangerously low.


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