I haven't changed, I don't think I've changed.

Everyone has been in my room today after returning from renal. The same question . . . . .how are you? 

I have absolutely nonidea how I am, i suspect its going to take a few days before this sinks in but also I almost dont want it to sink in, I dont want to have to deal with this drama and im bored of the drama. I dont need extra added bonus stuff.

So I say . . . . .I have no words 

When this journey started almost 8 weeks ago I was just so grateful to be alive, that they had began to listen, that my team were going to try and find out what was happening my world was like wonderland. I had been given a chance again to live. 

And as time passed I struggled, call it lack of sleep, but I started to struggle that I'm meant to have more of a purpose , why on earth do I keep bouncing back ?

But then I realised it's because I'm kirsty harvey formerly Geddes and I'm made of strong mother fucking stuff. Give me the novo virus for 8 months and I'll fight it, tell me.my haemoglobin is so low we need to recheck because I should be symptomatic but yet it comes back with the same result,  make me night blind and I'll keep going out because I refuse to back down.

 I'm no super human, I'm no wonder, I'm no inspiration and I'm not brave but I don't want to change. I'm just kirsty, I got given these cards and I'll play them because that is life. 

So right now I don't have many words and that's ok, because I don't need them.


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