July 2017

nurse dougie to the rescue.

I really struggle with not being independent and I'm so very grateful to my hubby who has helped me so much.
Of course I tell him how much he means to me on a regular basis with such thoughtful words like  If I had to rely on you I'd top myself and a personal fave
your are a right shusband(shit husband).

I'm ok just now bossing about and asking a hundred favours of him because I believe this is only temporary and like he has told me I'll have plenty time to.make him breakfast, cook dinner, make tea, look after him once I am recovered.

i had a really tough day today, slept from last night till 5pm and woke to my creepy as hell sister taking photos of me asleep (looking dead if I'm honest) beside her.

She is mental.

Then dougie arrived and has taken care of me .
When the shit hits the fan I'm proud to say I have a lot of friends and family who I bore the shit out of but still are always there beside me.

#cysticfibrosis #transplant #holyfuckballs #carer #husband


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