Oops a daisy

So on Thursday my doctor came to see me, all is going as planned, take more fluid pills and we will go as planned, he also said I'd have your feet elevated 24/7 but understand that we need to compromise.

 So that was fine I sat all day with my feet elevated knowing I had eminem with my school and dear friend Ellen at night.

Then the doctor came in and told me that my pottasium levels were very low. Only 2.3 when they should be between 3.5 and 5.

This can cause arrhythmia of the heart so please don't go to the concert. I wasn't set on staying in, my pottasium had been low before, I was so looking forward to this and I'm a stubborn bitch. really I knew I was staying in but I said to ellen to ask if she knew anyone and when she said she woukd rather just come see me it didn't feel so bad. I just hated that my big plan was done.

Ellen arrived and I said to her - is it so horrible I want it to rain. to which she replied
it is raining and pretty bad

I had disabled and carer tickets but I wouldn't have sat in the rain so it worked out pretty well. I also had a guy buy a ticket for 50 so yay all round.

Saturday I went to conduct a wedding and my bloods were done on my return. I was told theyvwwre now normal at 4.3 , now I should say I was also given milk of.magnesium to assist with the absorption of the pottasium but it played havoc with my tummy so I stopped taking it.

Sunday and bloods were taken,  but I had no results. I went home, Doug's and I cooked steak and sat with the dogs and it was bliss.

Monday morning I awoke and felt terrible,  I couldn't get energy, I felt miserable, I started to question if an infection left me feeling so ill. I had nothing in my reserves.
my lovely nurse Pamela came in and then told the doctors I wasn't well. The FY1 came in Andi had no banter , I had no energy to ask how his week had been.
The hours moved on and I felt terrible. I sat on the loo and thought, I can't pin point this but I'm not well I'm going to say.

Just then two FY1 came in to tell.me.the lab had phoned and my pottasium levels were sky high I needed treatment now.

So high pottasium will also cause arrhythmia and being this high I was feeling incredible ill.
I was hooked up to a defibrillator and ecg was done regulary, calcium was placed into my picc to try and protect my heart , salbutamol neb and glucose with insulin as they can help the pottasium from entering cells.

I'm not going to lie it was scary. I phoned dougie and asked him to leave work. I wanted a tome line to when I would feel better, the docs had told me this as easy to correct but as the hours passed it wasn't getting better.

My consultant popped in and was happy for the treatment they were doing but I can't help but feel this should have been taken further earlier.

I cuddled my husband and tried to sleep , but I couldn't find anywhere comfy. I was exhausted , sore, adgitated, the noise of the heart monitor kept freaking me out when it showed my heart was dancing.

There was one moment that the doctor looked at the heart display then looked at me and said are you ok kirsty, kirsty are you ok? whatever he seen was not good.
I was shaking a lot from the salbutamol.
But really just feeling terrible.
My pottasium was at 9, which is almost double normal range , and they decide to call renal.
a wonderful doctor called Fiona arrived who told them things hadn't been done as they should. she then went on to say dialysis would have to happen to clean my blood to get rid of this life threatening level of pottasium which was causing abnormalities in my heart.
I took the opportunity to tell dougie that if anything happened I loved him, how grateful I was to him for all this and then he told me I wasn't going anywhere.

If truth be told I was just waiting for my heart to stop and I hear it's bloody sore. So we wheeled down to ward 4a an route I said to the doctor. if my heart stops you're pressing that button, don't let dougie cause he'll keep pressing for shits and giggles.
I arrived and a femeral line had to be placed. unfortunately due to my dehydration they tried my right side but couldn't get it
dont read This if you are squeamish

I am squeamish I'm not going to lie, I don't like blood, I get creepy with it, I can't even watch needle on the tv but I think it's important to share my experience.
first they used an ultrasound to show my artery. pin point where they would be going. They cleaned the area and then inserted lidacain. 
lidacain numbs the area but I'm not gonna lie it's stingy.

They they got the needle and aimed down,  to get to the artery.
first one didn't work do they had to go to the other side. and then the cleanse began, and I slept like a dream. I slept so well. had 4 hours of cleansing because after the first two my pottasium jumped up again.

woke this morning and all day my femeral line has dripped until very late at night.
I'm not gonna lie I'm terrified of it coming out but it has to happen. Doug's sat with me for most of the day and then my two sisters were with me at night. as usual Julie making us laugh and Tracey was my pizza hut girl.

What a weekend eh!?

my mum and dad flew to Dubai Sunday evening. my dad was calling yesterday and dougie managed to keep.his cool so today I filled them in.


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