July 2017

Most of you know for months now I haven't been well. I returned from a holiday in New York filled with an excess of 5 lbs of fluid, and when I went to hospital this doubles to ten as my team tries to work out what was happening.

My kidneys were strained , my liver was reacting badly , I was fatigued and well we didn't really have answers.

We moved about on fluid tablets which  got rid of the fluid I was sent home and was back up in a week severely dehydrated.

There has been so many guesses, fumbles, tests, blood tests out my ears that my veins have began collapsing and still we never seemed to come close to an aanswer.
this instagram is my journey. I'll be hashtagging stuff from the past it's 5am the now Andi don't have the strength to go over everything but let's just say
There have been moments where I'm not sure if my story is coming to an end or not.
and I've told my husband that if that were the case I don't want him to let anyone say I've had a tough time lately.

fcourse I fucking did , I died but even if I've been in 13 weeks in total since February I've still been having a pretty awesome life.
So this here is documenting it so far.
For the friends who worry because I don't tell them, mainly because I can't be bothered repeating myself to the people who are facing challenges themselves at the moment and just want to know.

Hey buddy you're not alone , let's kick ass together.

#transplantjourney #doublelung #letstalkaboutdeath #cysticfibrosis


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