Insta post bone marrow July 2017

So last week they decided that I should get my.bone marrow checked.
Bone marrow is simply wonderful, it can answer a lot of questions and possible new avenues

. The main ones for me being why in the past three months have I needed 5 blood transfusions?

So I thought i would  let those of you out there who maybe will be getting this done soon or it's on the cards my experince.

The doctor was lovely and thankfully she just turned up at my hospital bed so I never had much time to react either way is nerves or scared.

We chatted away as she asked me if there was anything I would like to know to which I replied.
"Nah nothing, it needs done so if there are side effects after I'll just deal with it. "

She did explain that she would be going in via my pelvis, but first they would inject local anaesthetic  in the area before she would go in with bone marrow procedure step 1. required a lot of pressure and pushing and because I have so much fluid on my body atm that she didn't realise how skinny I was. so she had to support me on either side.

Knowing she was so close to nerves probably made me anxious too but she did say if she hit or tapped a nerve she would take it out and move.
I lay on my side on my hospital bed and talked to myself telling me not to be a drama queen after all I didn't want  this very kind doctor to feel bad.

Big breaths as she wiggled the needle against my pelvic bone , again and again but then process 3 I was informed would be sore on account that the local anaestheic wouldn't have penetrated deep.enough down.

Actually it was ok. The next day and subsequent days after were sore and painful but the actual process wasn't.

#cysticfibrosis #transplantjourney #keepsmiling #bonemarrow;


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