Side boob

So this is yesterday's post update
l had  pretty gawd awful sleep on account my #tpn machine kept buzzing with bubbles in the machine. Bloody nuisance because then a nurse needs to dictate the time flicking a bloody tube until they can try and direct the bubble into the chamber, this can take up five minutes to twenty and the buzzing started at 2am and never actually stopped for a few hours until about 5.30 by which time I just got myself up
Steroid by Ivs means that I am packed full of energy as well as the fact I am on day 5 of #ivnutrition  and seeing as my body hadn't been digesting food or anything for weeks , possibly months well. . . . . . . I feel like someone on the island by bear grylls and I've just had a bit of food.

I'm still weak as hell , covered in bruises, swollen legs but compared to what I was I'm feeling much better.

That is wonderful but its also the case that we have no time line here and I need to try and get myself in a place where I'm not so bored I do nothing, this is a long haul but as the week progress' my time hooked up on this machine should reduce.

#diabetes wise when i started this iv nutrition no one told me I was basically getting glucose injected into my vein so when my sugars started to go crazy high I was perplexed.
I spent Thursday firefighting high blood sugar but now I know what was happening I've been able to get a control on my blood sugars and that means I should be able to lower my time on tpn from 24 hours to 16 hours.

Which in turn will give me some freedom to get home , sit on my sofa, tidy, clean, be NORMAL. yes well as normal as I can be eh.

Today my beauty gals Kellyann and Eilidh came to see me and listen to my crazy banter.  I say crazy as my head is all over the place with scatty steroids. We had a great laugh , a fab catch up and once again I was filled with such gratitude that I am surrounded by fucking #awesome people.

Later my sister Julie came to visit me as we sat ate donuts and she took a picture of my massive side boob.

I forgot to.mention that dougie had pointed out to me that I have four boobs now. two on the front and two on my back due to fluid retention .


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