Insta post

Last night was not a good day , I was exhausted, I was in an incredibly amount of pain with the leg who has the HUGE blister on it and no amount of diversion techniques was helping it or oramorphe.

So at 4am a wonderful doctor came along and fed me more pain killers, she gave me one with a sedative edge and I was pretty much in the midst of saying - I doubt I'll sleep when boom I was out.

Today I sent an email to my amazing doctor letting him know what had happened over the weekend.

My lungs are coughing up stuff, my legs are incredibly sore, I'm not getting any food and so he waltzed in today and the first thing he said was . .. .he turned to my nurse Andy and said kirsty is really sick.

I burst into tears but more from frustration, I'm under no false pretences or ignorance , I know I'm not well but. . . . . .words like sick or ill well they can fuck off.

I don't have time or brain space to think like that

I just said I'm in the right place and that's that, what a the use in feeling like your staring into a vortex of unwellness but it's not for me.

I was started on meropenam for my lungs, told to keep my feet elevated and to try and find some way to eat.

Today I had  been good. Tonight my fabulous friend and newly made auntie Auntie came to watch the final of love island with me. and it was cool to just sit and chill with her. and laugh and feel a bit of normality.

My legs have felt much better today,  my sister and niece also cam3 yo visit me and I ate a beef stew and my gorgeous niece made cupcakes.
again I'm a right lucky bastatd

#chocolatecupcake #homemadefood


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