baby bump bump

Going into week 9 and I've become aware at how much I've missed out on. Last week was tough, I was given more freedom when my afternoon drugs were ceased. With that came my freedom to head home spend time with my dogs and try and do normal things.

My only problem being that I began to think things were going to hit the fan , that maybe I'm coping so well because actually I'm on another bloody planet and all of a sudden I'm going to hit the ground. Dougie has been amazing, he knows me better than unknown myself and he let's me have my spurts of tears and then laughter.

My haemoglobin in still low, my stomach is still huge, so huge in fact I was told congratulations twice yesterday and then one lady asked when I was due and to save her feeling bad I said two.months before rubbing my liver disease stomach lovingly .

You've got to laugh haven't you, you've got to keep.positive but fuck sometimes it's trickier than others.


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