Sparkles and Speeches

I'm not entirely sure where I left off but I'm pretty sure it involved me doing too much and making myself tired

Im.severly aneamic, i keep.forgetting that most people.couldnt function on the haemoglobin level I am at and I also need to cutt myself some.slack so this week I've tried to

Basically not heading home eto mop floors and instead heading home to chill onnthe sofa with the dogs, cook dougie some food then head back here.

My stomach is now absolutely full of fluid and this week they up d my water retention drugs to find that it wasn't making too much of a difference so today hopefully I get a tap put into my stomach and this fluid is drained away. I went for an ultrasound and ordinarily they would mark where the pool of fluid is however they measured a pool 7cm deep and another at 8cm deep. They concluded that they could put this tap.anywjete and it will get fluid.

I hope I don't get too nervous about it, I also got a b12 injection this week but may have mentioned that before.
Yesterday I visited Eskmills venue in Edinburgh for the very first time to conduct the wedding of Liam and Ruth. A young couple with two little girls. The venue was beautiful and the bride was absolutely stunning.

I love my job so much, the drive was tiring but getting to do a job I adore gives me so much joy

I then headed home and had a nap, I had asked dougie to get a certain time and he left me.sleeping longer which at first I freaked out about but once again Mr Harvey knows well.

I got ready, put on my new dress which was actually a.maternity dress to.try and tummy and did my hair and makeup and placed my irregular choice shoes on  before we headed to the grand cebtral.hotel for the Black tie and sparkles ball in aid of the cystic fibrosis trust.

Mila is a three year old with cystic fibrosis and her mummy had contacted me some.time ago to.ask if I would speak about my experience of c.f. at the ball.
of course I happily obliged , and then I ended up here and ill and there was no chance I was going to let them down. Unfortunately we had hoped to have a couple of tables but I wasn't even sure if I would be able to stay around with all the dramas here.

The event was wonderful, my amazing hunny took such good care at one point we had to find a room for me to.lie down in, mainly because the fluid in my stomach is so heavy that it gets so uncomfortable. We missed our main course but the relief at being able to.lie down made all the difference.

They had an illusionist at the event who left me.speechlesss and then it was me, I was allocated ten minutes to share my story, not too long but I was helped.up.from.dougs took to the middle of the floor and shared my story.

if you want to see it a link to me reading it out.

I had realised the other week that I hate the walk at night car to the ward so I thought, I'll buy an electric scooter. Dougie hastily put it together last night but told me not to use it cause I would need to.practice

ofcourse I listened to him - not!

I can.twice off this scooter., cut my.knee and cried a bit cos I can't get the floor so I had to crawl.ocer to something to get myself up. and then I laugh cried cos I ridiculous AND obviously I wasn't happy.falling once I thought I woukd try again

Taxis passed me by as I lay at the pelican crossing waving them on
 ridiculous but I hope.someone on cctv got a good.proper laugh. I expect I'll become a viral.sensation with it, did I mention I had on my big dress.

I really am.a right fanny at times.

What last night showed that I still.have a long way to go to get to my normal, if that is even possible.


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