the update

Its been so long, what I had once thought would be my account of this journey hasn't been much of an account at all. In the time I haven't written I've had a couple of crazy times. One of which would be ROckness where I was unable to make my legs walk. A time I didn't belive I was near but when I tried to get myself walking I just couldn't walk any length. Dougie did his hero impression and carried me to a point where I was able to enjoy the festival without having to move.
However on my return to Glasgow I was admitted into hospital and had a couple of turning blue moments which scared the nursing and doctor staff a lot more than it scared me.
I also had a visit to Newcastle regarding new lungs, I was staying at Dougies parents and we ended up in a helicopter and a plane on our journey down south. Mum and dad arrived before me and the rest of the day went fine.
I reacted how I wanted to- no craziness just calming. It wasn't my time, one of the lungs were damaged.

One moment which stands out from lately is when I was in gartnavel one of my CF sisters came to visit and gave me a pep talk, about how I had to take it easy just for a short while until I got that call for my lungs, lungs that would completely change my life and give me back everything plus more. She really lifted my spirits that day when I was feeling rather down.

Other news is that next November I am to be bridesmaid for my lovely best friend Karen with my other best friend Fiona. I am utterly and truly priviliged to play such an important role in my friends amazing day and I cant wait.

So I'm back and college doing makeup artistry. I know its going to be hard work. I dont like to admit it but CF is taking its toll on me on a daily basis, little things that were easy before are becoming hard work- like changing my bed - I did it today and looked down to blue nails when I had finished.

But I'll keep going, I cant help but feel that my time wont come before Xmas, it's a niggle I have, it's starting to feel again like it may never arrive but I'm sure i'll get a call again which will restore my faith until the next time.

I have to be stronger, a lion hearted girl.



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