January 2009

Almost at the end of January, where the heck did that month go??? Well college is getting heated up and I have a lot of work to do but I have been building up my confidence in colouring and cutting and feeling much more happier with my work and not doubting myself so much which is nice.

On another note I find I've been keeping busy,between doing treatments and spending a lot of time with dougs and college I rarely find I'm properly home. Though I did buy some lovely pictures to put up about this place. Must get some photos of the house to show you . Its funny I'm sorting the house out but my sister is more than likely going to move in here next year and I will be out with DOugie all going well.

Today I have been feeling rough but I'm going up to the hospital tomoz, DOugs has had a stonking cold and I thought I had saved myself from it by doubling up my anibiotics but the past day or two I have been feeling PANTS. SO I@m up tomoz and hopefully they will give me some magic orals that will save me lungs and get me back to feeling great. I had a run of about a fortnight where I felt absolutely brilliant.

It's nice getting those weeks cos you start to doubt whether your going to get them when you have had a bad run for a while. But thankfully they are still coming. Not been climbing in over a week so I'm hoping these drugs will help me get back there and work on getting some 6A's, only been able to properly do 5+ lately but I hadn't been in months.

So what else has been happening. I picked my car today, motability car(my lovely little micra) has done its three years on feb 15th so foe the whole of january DOugie and I have been sporadically visitng car dealers to see what we liked.

I wasn't even wanting to look at pink cars, though I loved the fiesta but then nothing was making me inspired so we went to view it. I was sure I would want the hot pink fiesta by Ford but inside it was a total let down so my final choice was the Toyota Yaris in black. Writing about it just now is getting me all excited. Yay new car smell.

Other news - DOug went snow climbing for the first time this weekend. He was going to go up Fort William way but decided to head elsewhere. I couldn't remember where and when on the radio on saturday I heard that three climbers had been killed in an avalanche in Glencoe my heart stopped. I knew I was being over the top but tears began and they didn't stop. Not wanting to phone his mum and dad I phoned mine to see what my mum thought. She contacted my dad who was on a night out and thankfully because he had contacts he was able to find out that noone by Dougies surname had been involved. It was a good hour of crying but thankfully my daddy sorted it. What I learned from that incident??? Always find out exactly where Dougie is going climbing. I honestly couldn't imagine my life without him, he is absolutely a big reason why I try so hard at things, he makes me want to be around, he makes my days smilier. He knows I absolutely love him. Funny I cant ever imagine it would change, I know everything changes but two years in and I'm still in the honeymoon phase.

Once I knew doug was fine and had spoken to him I went with Nicola to the pub at the end of my road to meet a couple of gals from my college. It was brilliant we drank and sang kareoke. It was awesome but then we all went to the SAVOY_ not my choice. And it was piss! But the banter was great! ANd the pole dancing pole was fun until I slammed my lady regions bang against it in a drunken attempt to swing round it-much harder than those steel thighed women make it look;)

i had a great night though, nice to get out, even nicer to sing some Queen-Break free! I've taken it as my new kareoke song as I kinda think its relevant to getting new lungs. Hopefully one day I'll break free of these ones.

Oh hair has changed back to brunette, I'm loving it, and my lovely Donna in college did it for me. SHe's a lovely one she is. We have such a laugh together, ripping the piss outta me and me kidding on I'm hurt.

So I had today off college, felt so rough but im in again tomoz, it's 12.43 and i should really fall asleep now. Oh another thing I have a computer soming soon! YAY xxx

Going to see Don in a play this saturday, which will be great to see my ladies,especially claire who is carrying ickle baby in her tum x


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