Its 2009

And again its been some time but what a year 2008 was. I sat driving to collect Dougie on Hogmanay thinking that in March I never dreamt I would have seen 2009 come. I cried a little and was so thankful for the amazing Christmas I got to spend with my family.
It was idealic, dad had got a home in Oban for us to live in for the week, right on our dorrstep was the loch and it was beautiful. We were all within the one house. Tracey, Paul, Julie, Caity, Joshua( was in South Africa) mum and dad and not once was a ross word said.
I had an absolute ball and find it very hard to believe this year will ever be topped. On Dec 27th Dougie came to collect me to go to his parents but on my arrival the house was way to quiet for me. His family is lovely but it wasn't the same to be without the noise of the little ones. So on the 29th we headed back to Oban for the day which was fab.

New year was great too, we went round to Don's (fiona's mans) for some lasagne and goodies and banter and booze. I was feeling a bit rubbish so I drank one blue wicked then decided not to drink for the rest of the night. We seen in the bells and then dougie and I headed back to his flat so I coulod change my rather fitting and restricting dress and get my car.
We drove down to the Admiral and met up with DOugs mate John and his girlfriend Fiona. We danced for a bit within the scrum of drunk and drugged up folk and I had a couple of giggles at dougs and johns drunk faces ;)
I gave john and fi a lift home and we all went inside to have some banter- dougie had replied yes to johns offer before I got a look in. But once in it was fun.
I happened to mention that Rock band was in the car so the boys went out to get it, I truyly regretted it straight away and fi and I decided that listening to them TRY and play the instrucments will drive us round the bend so when the boys left it in the living room. Quick thinking fi went and dragged it outside the patio doors and locked it.
THe funniest thing was that DOugie walked into the room and looked a little confused at the lonbely guitar sitting itself, yet he just turned round again and walked out. He was too drunk to even notice.

I've had a brilliant festive holiday. Dougie went back to work today so I'm just stting in my mum and dads typing this up.
I had been feelin terrible since hogmanay but today i dont feel quite as breatheless so here's hoping that I will be on my road to recovery. It would be pretty rubbish to get another set of iv's only two weeks after I finished them.

SO 2008 has had its ups and downs,

T in the Park- dougie singing on call to me in my ear while watching kings of leon.
Sara and I's giggles on the sofa when I was in the house very much while Dougie was in America.
Singing Lion King with my girls
Nicola and I's hysterical laughing on our trip back from Byblos or that other nightclub, the poor taxi driver had no idea. KACHARVNIKA ANTIVIRUS!!!
Spending Xmas morning cuddled up with caitlin and Jman after coaxing them into the sofa bed.
Dolly Parton with my mum
Sittin on my hospital bed with mum, eils and amanda there and me going scatty eating loads of sweets and talking at 1000mph.
My 80's Birthday party

So what does 2009 hold? Hopefully being accepted on the transplant list and hopefully not needing one yet, Dougie and I enjoying a holiday anywhere, my sister working out her notice for the army, dougie getting a van and travelling about the uk with it- with his resident belayer, going to see the mighty boosh in concert, going to see Take That and girls aloud. This is only a snippet of what I know is going to happen but there is gonna be loads more I'm sure.

Realising that I have the most amazing boyfriend in the world, there are not many men who would be so great, its hard to convey in words how much I appreciate how much he loves me and how kind and gentle and caring and beautifully souled he is.
A man who carries me up the three flights of stairs while carrying our shopping. I cant imagine not ever loving him this much.

And furthermore I enter 2009 aware that I am surrounded by the most wonderful people, those who laugh always at my jokes rubbish or not(nicola!), those that are always there for me to lean on (the girls) and my tiny popppets who are there for me sun rain or snow. My family have always beena constant support but they have to be ;) you are all the reason I awake on the rough days and see the lighter funnier side to things rather than stay in bed and mope.

Life is for living and 2009 should be brilliant.


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