The hugs are free the drugs will cost you

So last night I met one of my all time idols

Michelle Visage !!

If you don't who she is then I can't be fucked explaining, just kidding , Michelle is a judge on Ru Paul's drag race and also co presents one of my favourite pod casts What's the T with Ru.

My friend Donna and I got tickets for the Christmas queen night which was a host of fabulous drag queens performing in glasgow. Donna contacted Michelle because we didn't get a chance to do meet and greet , mainly because when the tickets first went on sale we didn't know if I would be alive for the show no that sounds terrible but it's true.

So Michelle put us on the guest list. We stood in the queue to meet Michelle and I promised I wasn't going to cry mainly because it would be creepy and also I'd spent ages doing my makeup.
And then I was face to face with one of my idols and I had to thank her thank her for all the podcasts that I could escape to whilst I was in hospital thank her for her humour thank her for being fabulous and I cried.

She was lovely and she realised who I was from Donnas emails.

We also met Sharon needles who asked if I had had a nose job so my contouring must have been doing ok. I loved this quote from Sharon

The hugs are free the drugs will cost you.

I had a great night  I was so tired but it was fantastic.

It's Sunday and I'm going to baby rave with my sister and my little nephew today.


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