Yipee kai ye Dougie Woogie

Claire was absolutely beautiful at her wedding and Robo was looking mighty dapper too. It was a lovely day and night, pretty awesome food too. Unfort I wasn't feeling to well so I wasn't the usual disco bunny that I am but YAY they are married. Also been on their amazing honeymoon too in Las Vegas.

Last weekend was a busy wee one, I was out with my beauty gals on Friday night, only till 12am but had a good piss up for it and then it was Don's birthday. Fionas man Don, fiona planned an executed a very good surprise party. My fav part being when Karen(fleusy frewsy), nic nac and I all sang circle of life from lion king. I made karen and nic do the african accompaniment, but we rocked.

Talking about rocked, the other week I went round to play rock band at nicolas with her and her bro Paul, we had a truly awesome time, it helped that we were pissing ourselves at pauls rendition of sabotage by the beastie boys- no one cant say that boy doesn't try!

DOugie left on wednesday for USA San fran, he got there safely and I managed not to cry when he left. I also haven't properly cried yet, cos I know he will have an amazing time and he really does deserve a great holiday for being my hero.

So I'm on my lonesome, but college keeps me busy which is good and I'm also doing a promo job for sourz the now which includes doing make up on folk in the pubs. So I havent really had much time to have seen dougie if I wasn't.

It's also nice having julie home, who has been spending all her time with the kids and just potty trained jman. She may be psycho at times but she has a very lovely heart so I just take it.

Nothing much planned this week except more sourz work and then next week is the october holidays. I know i will be bored then but my plan is to work on my college work all that week.

Kirsty xxx

Cf wise I've been hit with a couple of colds so am on my second bout of antibiotics orals. Seem to be working ok though.



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