Got my assessment date

So I finally go my letter through for my transplant assessment. Monday 16th February, the same day I am due to collect my brand new sparkly Toyota Yaris. So I've sorted to arrive in Newcastle for 1pm and in my sparkly new VE-HICLE. It took a lot of looking about and some lovely table work from DOugs but the Yaris was still small, lovely inside, lots of boot and back seat space and most importantly lots of storage space.

So how am I feeling about the assessment. I had hoped I would have got a little more notice but nope, so the trip dougs and I had planned will have to be planned for another day.

I went into college yesterday and told the girls, I figured the more I tell the less scary it becomes, but doesn't seem to have happened. Last night I was having a mini pity party, taking it out on my lovely man but I'm just scared that I may not be a suitable candidate.

Then where do I go??

I wait, until a cure is found which probably won' happen within my lifetime so instead I sink into a life without the hope of a new set of lungs.

SO here's all fingers crossed that I will be suitable. DOugie said he would come with me but I said that I would rather he didn't and my dad and big sister are going to come along. I think i will be more black and white without Dougie there.

I don't think I would be able to think properly with him, just constantly worry about what type of future we would have if this doesn't happen.

On other news I got my hair coloured darker, included some photo's from my photoshoot with Donna.

And at the weekend, I went to see Don in a play called barefoot in the park. It was a very fast 2 and a half hours. And lovely to see the girls. Karen was on top form.


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