
I sit here typing this in DOugies living room in Onich. We're here for the day to visit his mum and dad and he has already been out being handy man doo sawing down branches from a tree 10-15ft above the ground.
Last night it was susans birthday bash, so we went to Mings in Cumbernauld. I was giving Sara and David a lift out also as DOugs and I were leaving straight after dinner. Anyway start of what turned out to be an hours drive for somewhere that was 6 minutes from the house. Sara thought she had a fair idea where it was so we followed that idea, only to turn on the sat nav when we couldn't find it and head in what we thought was the direction of the resturaunt. Turns out it was on home and we ended up going through lots of dodgy back roads and starting back in GLenboig- much hilarity constued and we finally did the full 6 minute trip to the japanese.
It was amazing, and pics will follow of them setting alight to our meals while cooking infront of us. Best bits had to be david falling over trying to catch his bowl 5 in the other 4 bowls and frewsy dropping her rice all over her lap after unsuccessfully not managing to catch it.
It was a cracking night and nice to see everyone- spesh as I haven't seen Karen and stu since they got engaged!
Claire now has a nice baby bump, but still as slim as ever she is and looking beautiful.

So onto Newcastle. Dougie and I collected my car from the Toyota garage and yay its pretty and nic and fluid to drive. Then I dropped him off and headed to my mum and dads where julie and dad were waiting my arrival.
I arrived and we all got into dads car for the journey south. It took two and a bit hours and once there we were greeted by the co-ordinator Lynne. Starting of some slow map reading, continous map reading, laughter by dad and julie trying to hide their fits of the gigles at this woman trying to explain what was actually a very straightforward map.
I dont wanna sit here and type every detail of my trip cos it would bore me more than it would bore you but turns out and some things I learned are:
1. Blood gases dont need to be utterly painful and somthing that I fear getting done
2. The newcastle wards are as well equipped or as comfortable as Gartnavel
3. The staff are very welcoming and let me do my own thing
4. SLumdog millionaire is not as good second time round
5. Dont expect good food from wetherspoons
6. Dad doesn't know why people bring crisps into the cinema- que some crisp crunching in his ear
7. If your going away for serious talks it helps greatly to have a couple of funny asses beside you. Laurel and Hardy eat you heart out they don't have a patch on Julie and Dad.
8. The millenium bridge is very pretty at night all lit up
9. Well he found the £1.20
10. Hotdogs give Julie indigestion that she feels she should tell us about every minute.
11. I can walk pretty far and have the physio running after me
12. Turns out my mind overcomes my body.
13. I'm going on the active list if my microbiology results come back favourable.
14. I was hoping to hear that I was too well, but after all the tests I think this is the best outcome.

So that was my experience of Newcastle. Exciting, new hope and the possibilty that this time next year I will have a spanking new set of lungs. xx
Photos shall follow.


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